Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cinderfella and Much More!

Hey! Friday night was awesome! I went, after drivers ed, to Lacey and Vada's house for a sleep over. We started off our fun night by going to...Wall-mart! We just hung around the store while the their parents looked for a vacuum cleaner. We got Reese, chips, juice, whoopers, and lemonade candy!! We were set for a party!!! There was one thing though that freaked us all out! There was a gang of three or four guys that followed us through out the store. It was really creepy and really crazy!! So we got or stuff and headed back to their house to start a party!!

We watched this awesome movie called Cinderfella, with Jerry Lewis, and we laughed through the whole thing! Vada and Lacey loved it!! Jerry Lewis is so funny and amazing, especially at dancing!! Later we just kind-of hung out and talked about everything! From books to friends and the youth!! I always have so much fun at sleep overs!! We stayed up till 2-ish then we all fell asleep!

The next day was just as well we hung out in the morning just reading the comics and random dumb articles!! We also scheduled a time to go see...Horton Hears a Who! We went and it was awesome!! I loved it, and it was so cute and hilarious!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!! Lacey and I had so much fun!!

Well that was my weekend and I have to say that it was perfect!!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Normal Day??

My weeks are always so crazy!! Is it just me, or is every ones life crazy? We have an Open House on Sunday and so our house as to be clean from the top to the bottom!!! So things are going to be crazy around my house for a couple of days. Today, Queen got into two different garbage bags with garage sale clothes in it, and they were all over the floor, and some clothes were found in the dirt. We think that Queen has been rather bored lately. Ok I know this post was short but I have many things to do! Talk to you all later!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday and Drivers Ed!

This morning I had to wake up at 6ish instead of 7ish because today I had to start my school at 7:15 rather than 8:00 so I would be done with my school earlier so my mom and I can do some errands that need to be done before 3:00! So like my moms plan I finished my school at around 11!!! Now that is a really good day!

Guess what!! I saw Adam yesterday and he is all better and just as funny too!

Funny story, OK so sometimes during the week I king of side step practicing my voice and I end up not practicing till Tuesday, the day of my lesson. So Yesterday I go in and we start and we have a really good review lesson. Then at the end my teacher looks at me and says, "I know that you are diligent with practicing." OH MY!!! I was screaming at myself the whole time she said that and I all I could do was smile! So then when we get home later that night my mom, was telling me how she was going jump up and tell her what I really do! HA! So I can bet you all that I will be practicing this week! My mom and I are also working on, "He took my Cup" to sing for church. It is a really pretty song!

Well that is all for now! I am glad you guys like my background and my froggie, what do you think of a blue one??


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A blue frog on a green back ground!

Kind-of clashes doesn't it!! Well don't worry I am going to change my background to something blue when I get home, so for now enjoy that clashy-ness!!


Thursday, March 20, 2008

So Far it has Been a Crazy Week!!

My weeks are always crazy!! Monday was a disaster and Tuesdays are no better. But on Wednesday some of our crazy plans came to a halt, but notice I only said some.

Wednesday nights are always the best and I am sad to say that that was my last dinner there. For the next five weeks I will be busy taking drivers ed! So I will miss you all so much!! JK!!

I also had a eyes doctor appointment. I am happy to say that I will be getting contacts for basketball. I am really excited!! That also means that I finally get to war the sunglasses that I have!!! :) Yeah!

SATURDAY IS COMING AND I CAN'T WAIT!!! I am a little but nervous that I will get out the first minute of the game and then I will be out for the rest of the 14 minutes. I am guaranteed that I will get out! I can't wait to see what Emma is going to do (Emma, you know what I mean! HA)!!! I am also going to bring my camera to get some pictures of the girls beating the boys!!! I can't wait! I think that also Lacey and I are going to go see Horton Hears a Who and hang out. Saturday is going to be the best!!


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Birthday Party pictures!!

I had a wonderful 15th Birthday! Thanks for making my day so special!

Mondays are crazy and Tuesday are not Any better!

Mondays, I absolutely hate them! Yesterday I had to baby-sit this little boy named Bradly and let me tell you that that one boy was a hand full! He was completely abscessed with "Bible Man" and one minute he would have so much energy and then the next minute that energy would be gone!! It was crazy and I have to do it again to day, but thankfully I will have different kids. :)

My mom also got her wisdom tooth pulled yesterday and she was a little bit cranky. Later that night though I had a belaying class. I did pretty good. We even got the chance to belay other people and I am so glad I did not drop me partner. I think that I am going to go to the gym today to practice doing the belaying with the kids and then I will take the test then I will be a full pledged certified belayer!!! I can't wait because then when we move I will have a job working for the collage as a belayer!!!

I can't wait to have my spring break! But I have no idea what my family and I are doing. I don't think we are going to Montana, and then there was the possibility that our family was going to go to the beach with some friends. But I have no idea any more. I would really like to do something fun, but usually I don't get to decide what we do for our Spring break. :)

Well that is all for now!


P.S. Vada what was the name of the drink that you got at the Hockey night? It was really good!! :)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hockey, Birhtday Party, and Sunday fun!!

OK, I have already tried to make this post but when I went to publish it it was being stupid and it said that it was having problems so I was going to try again!!

Friday night was least the Hockey game was. We had so much fun!!! Emma and I saw so many people that we new from MCP. We saw Marces, Josh, Hannah, and Alex. It was absolutely crazy!!

Saturday was my 15th Birthday party!!! My dad took me out to IHOPS for breakfast and we had a really good time talking and just hanging out. Then on the way home he decided that his gift to me was that he was going to take me shopping to get an outfit. I got a really cute black dress and an Easter skirt and jacket too! Later that day I had my party and I have to say we girls now how to throw a great party and the funny thing is that we didn't do anything but taking pictures and talking! We had so much fun!!

Sunday was crazy. The drama had an extra practice today and I have to say that it was really good, but Alex creeped me out by "petting" my face! CREEPY!! After the drama practice was over the fun began! Brain, Brandon, Emma, Rachel, Andrea, Nathan, Derek, and I all went down stairs and had a lot of fun! I will have to say everything quickly so I will just summarize every thing. Brandon was in the back closet going after Derek and I turned off the lights and he screamed like a girl! It was pretty funny!! Next Brian and Brandon left to do the Awana and Emma, Nathan, Derek, and I had a woofle ball war. Lets just say that Emma and I dominated, that is until Nathan hit Emma in the face with a pink rubber ball. Her eye turned red and I felt so bad!! Later Nathan hit me in the head with a bouncy ball and left a mark on my forehead. We had so much fun and I do have to say that Emma rocked!!! We had so much fun!!

See you all later!


Friday, March 14, 2008


OK! So every year on our Birthdays we get the day off from school. Today that was a little different. I had to wake up at the same time and I have to take the MAP tests!!! I got so frustrated! Then at 3 my mom and I are going to go get our hair cuts. I am not going to say what I am going to do, so it will be a surprise to all!

Derek also helped me add a play list to my blog. He and Emma are really good at just sitting down at the computer and figuring out stuff. All I need to know how to do is check my email and blog, nothing more!!! :)

Well have nothing else to say, so I will see you all tonight at the hockey game!!!


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sad and Good news!

The sad new is that Adam, my brothers friend, had to go to the hospital to get his appendix out and he will probably get out of the hospital today!!!

Good news is that my new friend, from Florida, her birthday is today!! Ya....right??

Prayer request: you guys may remember Kelsie Mckune, well her Birthday was this month and so if you guys could just keep her family in prayer through out this month that would be great!

Know for some real news!! OK, so today my mom had to go to work and she left my brother and I home...alone. Vada know what it is like at our house when my mom is not around. Derek (Pansy) and I were doing quotes from random movies and he was trying to figure out who I liked (which is no one) and I was trying to figure out who he liked. The funny thing is though that this whole thing started because Derek was singing a Christmas song!!! You guys do know that saying, right? If some one starts singing holiday songs (such as Christmas) in the spring time, then they are in love. What was also funny is that when we are trying to make ourselves look serious we try not to smile, but every one knows that that never works!!!

So after we both decided that neither one of us liked any one special we moved on to the topic of the play and I was telling him how I was going to grab some one!!! I am really looking forward to that part of the play, let me tell you!!! We were also discussing the "outfits" and some of the funny things that happened. Derek and I were also being critics, sound familiar, right??? Any-who we talk about every thing!!! Well not every thing, but its pretty close to everything!!!

OH AND GUESS WHAT......HE DID THE FAIRY THING!!! We were both doing it and I have to say we had a lot of fun!

Sometimes hanging out with my brother is not all that bad!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another Week another memory!!

Yesterday was so much fun! Emma and I usually hang out during the lunch time and it is always a lot of fun! But this week Adam, Pansy's friend, was not there, instead he was out sick!!! Any ways we started talking about a lot of things that made no sense. Pansy and Eli were fighting about the Patriots and Emma and I were just laughing at them. Emma and I also discussed the insults that Nathan gave her on Sunday night. He was a jerk and I love how Emma dumped her dessert on Nathan. Its too bad that she did not get any pictures, I wish I could have been there!!! I told Emma that she could tease Nathan for tripping on stage!!! I doubt that would hurt him though.


On Sunday, I got the lovely job of shaving my dog! Fun, uh? Yeah not really, I am always amazed at how much hair she has! She looks really good and her spots are so cute!! I can't wait till I get to giver her a bath! HEHEHE!!! When we move down to Florida, I will have to trim her all year-round, or something like that, I am not really looking forward to that.

On Saturday, I turn 15! I am so excited!!! I really want to go see Horton Hears a Who, really, really, really bad!!!! I am also looking forward to my party!!! I am going to have my dear friends over!!! I am really excited. My mom asked me, "What are you guys going to do?" Um...yeah I am not going to have to think about what we are going to do!!! My dad also asked me a 'question', "Are you going to have a sleep over?" when I told him how many people were coming, he then said that we could camp out-side in the tent! I like the idea, but not for a party. :)

Well I better go have many things to do!


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Easter Play Practice!

OK, so last week on Sunday Mrs. Taylor asked me if I wanted to be an extra in the Easter play that they are putting on. I agreed thinking it would be fun. Emma told me that I would be a listener, in a crowd, but when I got to the sanctuary I was moved to a different spot! Instead Mrs. Taylor wanted me on the stage with Nathan, Brian, and Daniel. Nathan and Daniel are disciples and I didn't know what role he was playing. Then there was Alex as Jesus. :( I don't mean to be rude, but Alex creeps me out, just a teensy weensy!! Then there was Dale. He totally put me on the spot and I felt really embarrassed and immature, but hey, isn't that how I am all the time? Any ways I was going to slow on my exit and then not going down the stairs right the next. That was one moment that I don't really want to remember.

Then after we got every thing figured out I got to hand with Daniel while very one else was doing there lines and stuff. We watched Nathan say his lines, mess up, Dale having to talk to him, and so on and so forth. Dale said something to Nathan though that made me laugh, in my head. Dale was explaining that you had to speak through your diaphragm and that you had to make your self fat to do it. Then Dale went on to talk about how a deep pitch carries through things, and then he said plus chicks like deep voices. I laughed in my head and was like yeah right, do you know what you are saying?!!!??!?!

Daniel and I also had to go over to the White house to find an outfit. My out fit is really ugly, and I have to say I am not the best looking in person in faded stripes!!!! UGH!!! When I came back in a sat down Emma and I were having a Sign-language war!!! That was a lot of fun, especially since we were across the room from each other. I do have to say though it was a lot of fun!!

Well I better go, there are many things that I need to finish!!!


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Derek Has Joined Us!!!

Hey!! I am now proud to say that my brother has gotten back into the blogging world. But unfortunately his blog is all about the Patriots. Don't get me wrong there nothing wrong with the team, but it gets a little old after a bit. So I put his link on my page so you all have to go and visit his page and welcome and encourage him to continue with blogging!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

For Sale...Its too SOON!!!!

This is sad! Today at 10 a realtor was coming by our house to take pictures, and then to put out house on the market! I am really sad now!!! I won't be able to get to do a lot of things that I wanted to do this year. Such as: Youth camp, Riverside, Silverwood, BTSBOS, Basketball, Judgement House, Choir, VBS, and a lot more.

I want all you guys to help me out with ideas and stuff. I want to raise some money to send with the youth group to the church in Riverside to contribute to the paving of the basketball court that is in one of the HUDS. Since I can't go, I think that this is the one way I can physically help. And it will make me feel like I was part of the trip. So if you guys could help me think of ways that I can make money that would be great. And if God is leading you to contribute, I would not mind a bit!

Today at MCP my brother was throwing me the football and I jammed my pinkie!!!! It was all swollen and it hurt really bad too!! So then through out the entire game every time I got out I would wait for Emma then I would say when she got out, "Come join me and my fat finger!" It was really funny and you should have been there to see it and just to be there!

Well I know this post was not that long but it will have to do for now. I will see you all on Wednesday!